World Giraffe Day 21 June

We interrupt this zebra photo to mention that Saturday, June 21 is World Giraffe Day! Giraffe are the tallest land mammals in the world, so it's fitting to celebrate them on the longest day of the year. Stop by for special keeper talks and activities.

following information is quoted directly from Giraffe Conservation Foundation’s (GCF), Africa’s Giraffe a Conservation Guide.

G.c. angolensis
Despite generally being called the Angolan (or sometimes smoky) giraffe, this subspecies is thought to be extinct in Angola. Its range is believed to include Namibia, south-western Zambia, northern Botswana and probably western Zimbabwe, but ongoing genetic research will determine whether this supposed distribution is completely accurate. New genetic evidence will also help to assess the true size of the population, but at present this is estimated at fewer than 20 000 in the wild. International Species Information System (ISIS) re cords indicate that only about 20 individuals are kept in zoos worldwide.

G. c. antiquorum
The Kordofan giraffe’s range includes some of Africa’s more hostile areas: southern Chad, Central African Republic, northern Cameroon and northern Democratic Republic of Congo. It is estimated that fewer than 3 000 individuals survive in these war-ravaged countries. Most of these populations were formerly assumed to be G. c. peralta (West African), but recent research has proved this to be incorrect. Similarly, giraffe in zoos across Europe that were thought to be G. c. peralta have been reclassified as G. c. antiquorum following genetic studies in 2007. ISIS records show that approximately 65 Kordofan giraffe are in zoos worldwide.

G. c. camelopardalis
The Nubian giraffe is the nominate subspecies, meaning its Latin subspecific name is the same as that of the entire species because it was the first specimen recorded. The estimated number of Nubian giraffe is below 650, of which fewer than 200 are believed to occur in western Ethiopia and 450 or less may be in South Sudan. Exact information about this precariously small and fragmented population is extremely difficult to ascertain; large herds have been reported in
South Sudan, but it has been impossible to determine whether they were G. c. camelopardalis, the relatively numerous G. c. antiquorum, the dwindling G. c. reticulate or even the Endangered G. c. rothschildi.
The Al Ain Zoo in the United Arab Emirates has 11 giraffe that may be Nubian. Genetic research is being carried out and it is essential to collect samples from the wild to establish the identity of these individuals, as well as to get a better understanding of the subspecies’ numbers and distribution, which may affect its future IUCN Red List status

G. c. giraffe
The South African (or Cape) giraffe ranges from west to east across northern South Africa, southern Botswana and southern Zimbabwe, and there are efforts under way to reintroduce it into Mozambique.
Previous reintroductions of this subspecies and the Angolan giraffe into northern South Africa, southern Botswana and southern Zimbabwe are likely to have resulted in hybrid populations in those areas. There have also been extralimital introductions of the South African giraffe into Zambia, Angola and Senegal. There are fewer than 12 000 South African giraffe left in the wild and, according to ISIS, only about 45 in zoos around the world.
worldgiraffeday giraffe   zoosunday Zoo-Sunday hqspanimals HQSP Animals Alejandro J. Soto Krystina Isabella Brion Andy Smith bellesphotos Belles photos Jean-Louis LAURENCE Claudya Bonnet  mimiesmile b
worldgiraffeday giraffe  zoosunday Zoo-Sunday hqspanimals HQSP Animals Alejandro J. Soto Krystina Isabella Brion Andy Smithbellesphotos Belles photos Jean-Louis LAURENCE Claudya Bonnet  mimiesmile b

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