June 8 is World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day is celebrated around the world every June 8th. Together we have the power to protect the ocean!
Imagine having 8 long, twisty, STICKY tentacles to keep track of at all times! It's a bit overwhelming - which is why the octopus's brain doesn't even bother keeping track.

So how does it keep from getting all tangled up? Researchers havediscovered that the octopus produces a chemical in its skin that temporarily prevents its suckers from grabbing. That way, it doesn't tie itself into a knot.

Nearly 4,000 Los Angeles kids, teachers and volunteers sent a giant message from the ocean as part of the 21st annual Kids Ocean Day Adopt-A-Beach Clean-Up in LA. 

These kids are alerting the world about the need to help the ocean and protect it from the trash and plastic litter that flow down the streets, killing marine life

It gets weirder - the octopus can temporarily "turn off" this chemical... which was discovered when an octopus grabbed its own amputated arm (for what reason, who can say!)

Big Major Cay, a very special island in the Bahamas, is also known as Pig Beach. And it's not hard to guess why!

About 20 feral pigs and pgilets the island home. They run freely over the island and take regular dips in the wonderful blue water. 

Nobody knows exactly how the pigs got there - some say shipwreck. Nowadays the pigs are joined by a few stray cats, goats, and of course adoring tourists.

Sharks are known for their teeth - and it's true that they're very hungry creatures. A Great White Shark in average eats 11 tones of food a year! 

Humans on the other hand, barely manage to eat around half a ton of food every year. 

Take a selfie for the sea and show the world how you're part of the solution for the ocean.
June 8 is World Oceans Day national geograhic protect the ocean victoria bc
June 8 is World Oceans Day national geograhic protect the ocean victoria bc 

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