Facebook FRAUD and Scams Exposed

Evidence Facebook's revenue is based on fake likes.

How do you feel about this? Are you in the camp that believes that Facebook is a free service, so they can do as they wish, or are you in the camp that believes this to be a fraud of unmeasured proportions? 

We were alive before facebook (we were not even on facebook actually) and will still be even if facebook dies. I think its more important to let people know to make them aware of what happens if they spend money on fb ads. Even if only one person change his mind by watching this, we will have made that person save some money and not get f**ked by them. So that's the reason.

Plot Twist: those fake likes, is a facebook side business. Do you think its a case of net neutrality? Facebook not regulated for fair operation? By the way, if you want more "likes", a good way to start is to be interested in all of the amazing things in this world. I think interesting things (and people that are interested in interesting things) are very likable.

Paying for likes is akin to admitting you have no idea how to be interesting. Stop being lazy and boring please. Spend the money on a personality instead.

Please tell us in the comments below your thoughts about the video and if you’ve had any similar experiences with your own Pages or Blog.
Facebook FRAUD and Scams Exposed
Facebook FRAUD and Scams Exposed

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