A wise man once said The only thing common about common sense is that its not very common , Sometimes Democracy is the worst kind of government b/ c of too much freedom, freedom to rally,so free to loot, to burn bldgs, to burn police cars. go against law , to murder the unborn, to legally marry same sex, and on and on and more, Dumb and Dumber,
Common Sense in politics contacted a terminal disease in the 1960s and gradually migrated to the Logic Free Zone (DC) where it has gone into hospice and will soon be totally gone.
When you go to work for the government you check your common sense at the door. It's a rule.The most common sense thing would be to get rid of the whole bunch and start over!
The light bulb pictured is no longer legal to use, this picture needs to be updated with a mini spiral florscent bulb. Depicting illegal products or activities can result in jail time.
Here is common sence. Kick As, Take Name's Later. Lets get our country back. Get these BUMS OUT OF HERE. GOD NOT MONEY!
Common sense does not mesh with governing a first world country in 2014. It's a little more complicated. I love it how people with zero experience and or knowledge think they know something. If you claim to be a wise man it surely means that you don't know.
Countries Needs a Department of Common Sense |
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