Survival of the Richest

Past generations found reasonable, compromise solutions and negotiated pragmatically to both keep vibrant capitalist flat-open-fair competition AND maintain social mobility.  

Indeed, it is to prevent such negotiations that today’s oligarchs have financed the destruction of politics in the US (e.g. the “Hastert Rule” that no republican may ever negotiate with democrats, over anything, ever.) It is for that reason that the right spares no effort to call Franklin Roosevelt the same thing as Satan Incarnate… even though our parents in the Greatest Generation adored him more than any other human being.

Fact, is, FDR effectively SAVED capitalism and the wealthy, in America.  The aristo fools who demonize him and seek to restore feudalism seem too stupid to realize the alternative to a middle class America — such as FDR built — is not feudalism… but tumbrels.  They should be the ones seeking a new Roosevelt.
Past generations found reasonable, compromise solutions and negotiated pragmatically to both keep vibrant capitalist flat-open-fair competition AND maintain social mobility.    Indeed, it is to prevent such negotiations that today’s oligarchs have financed the destruction of politics in the US (e.g. the “Hastert Rule” that no republican may ever negotiate with democrats, over anything, ever.) It is for that reason that the right spares no effort to call Franklin Roosevelt the same thing as Satan Incarnate… even though our parents in the Greatest Generation adored him more than any other human being.  Past generations found reasonable, compromise solutions and negotiated pragmatically to both keep vibrant capitalist flat-open-fair competition AND maintain social mobility.    Indeed, it is to prevent such negotiations that today’s oligarchs have financed the destruction of politics in the US (e.g. the “Hastert Rule” that no republican may ever negotiate with democrats, over anything, ever.) It is for that reason that the right spares no effort to call Franklin Roosevelt the same thing as Satan Incarnate… even though our parents in the Greatest Generation adored him more than any other human being.  Fact, is, FDR effectively SAVED capitalism and the wealthy, in America.  The aristo fools who demonize him and seek to restore feudalism seem too stupid to realize the alternative to a middle class America — such as FDR built — is not feudalism… but tumbrels.  They should be the ones seeking a new Roosevelt. Fact, is, FDR effectively SAVED capitalism and the wealthy, in America.  The aristo fools who demonize him and seek to restore feudalism seem too stupid to realize the alternative to a middle class America — such as FDR built — is not feudalism… but tumbrels.  They should be the ones seeking a new Roosevelt.

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