Why You Should Look on the Bright Side

Is the glass half empty or half full? Optimism is a choice that we make in each situation. Our reaction to how we handle life's events determines our future. So, if you had the choice to live the brightest possible future, would you want to? The answer, most likely is, "YES, of course!" And the question, then, is how do we cultivate more optimism in our lives? A few ways to begin are to look for solutions instead of problems, take a step back from the situation at hand and view the bigger picture to see the silver lining, practice gratitude for all that you have and are in this moment, have patience with others and yourself, and always trust that the universe has your back no matter what.

Actress, author and activist Jenny McCarthy shares with us her top ten benefits of being optimistic:

1. Research shows that optimism increases longevity.

2. It allows you to develop an attitude of thankfulness.

3. It sets a positive tone for your day.

4. It increases your spiritual development and enlightening.

5. It allows for tolerance of others and situations.

6. It promotes positive relationships.

7. It allows you to approach a crisis with strength and resolve.

8. It decreases anxiety, frustration and worries.

9. It allows for forgiveness.

10. It promotes happiness.

Why You Should Look on the Bright Side

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